基於 MHz 開關頻率的器件助力實現 DC-DC 轉換器和 EMI 濾波器的小型化
想像一下,使用 DC-DC 轉換器解決方案來利用高頻開關的優勢,而不會發生傳統解決方案的缺點
We recently had a customer that had a variety of unique power system challenges that needed to be overcome. One of these challenges required configuring one of our many DC-DC DCM modules to provide a specific input and output voltage range. System requirements were:
Using our Power Component Design Methodology we developed a solution using a mix of standard power components, plus specifically configured DCM DC-DC converter modules. Two DCM4623 converters were selected from our component library and configured to operate from a unique 210V nominal input voltage but with different output voltages.
Eight of the first DCMs were configured in parallel to create a high power 3.2kW, isolated and regulated 22V output. This array fed the large bulk capacitor of 200mF. The second DCM was configured to create a 53V output, which was then fed into a pair of Bus Converter Modules (BCMs) to create an efficient, regulated 300W, 3.3V output.
The inherent benefits of the power components used in the design meant that the system had high power density, allowing it to be very small size and lightweight. As with all systems using the Power Component Design Methodology, the system was straightforward to implement, and the short-lead time, cost-effective configured DCM capability offered by Vicor avoided the delays and NRE typically associated with application-specific converters.
Additionally, the DCMs’ constant switching frequency simplified the filtering required to avoid interference affecting associated sensitive equipment.
By using the Power Component Design Methodology, the customer was able to create a highly flexible, efficient solution that met their performance and time to market objectives.
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基於 MHz 開關頻率的器件助力實現 DC-DC 轉換器和 EMI 濾波器的小型化
想像一下,使用 DC-DC 轉換器解決方案來利用高頻開關的優勢,而不會發生傳統解決方案的缺點
採用 48V 區域架構,打造面向未來的先進電動汽車
隨著原始設備製造商(OEM)採用 48V 電源架構,他們正努力優化其電源系統設計。 Vicor 的高功率密度模組可為 48V 區域架構提供峰值效率
减少 I2R 損耗,延長任務執行時間
瞭解 Vicor 如何為系留空中水下無人機(UAV/UUV/ROV)提供高功率、高效率和更輕的重量