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Case study: Agricultural UAVs

Enabling greater functionality for reliability and productivity


Customer’s challenge

Drones in agriculture are uniquely challenged to carry heavy payloads for longer spraying times while flying in varying conditions. They must cover large areas reliably and safely for an industry that demands high productivity. These drones are equipped with GPS, pumps, radar sensors, vision systems, and fail-safe systems that have different voltage and power levels. The key goals were:

  • Significantly reduce power supply weight and maximize space on-board for payload
  • Extend flight time for more productivity
  • Handle a wide range of input voltages
Agricultural UAV image

The Vicor solution

Vicor change to high-performance power modules are compact and lightweight, allowing the drone to carry the accessories needed to do its job such as pumps or sensors. At the same time, the high efficiency allows both increased flight time and a simplified thermal management that requires less space on board.

Key benefits

Key benefits

High efficiency icon

Higher efficiency to extend flight times and range of operation

Inputs icon

Power modules support a variety of input voltages for PoL devices

??? icon

Advanced packaging and topologies

Power delivery network

The Vicor DCM™ power module is an isolated, highly efficient, regulated DC-DC converter utilizing a high-frequency Zero-Voltage Switching (ZVS) topology, operating from an unregulated, wide range input to generate an isolated output. Modular DCM converters and downstream Vicor ZVS Buck and Buck-Boost products support efficient power distribution, providing superior power system performance and connectivity from a variety of unregulated power sources to the point-of-load.

Vicor power delivery network for agricultural UAVs
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DCM DC-DCコンバータ

絶縁 レギュレータ

入力電圧: 9 – 420V

出力電圧: 3.3, 5, 12, 13.8, 15, 24, 28, 36, 48V

出力電力: 最大1300W

効率: 最大96%

24.8 x 22.8 x 7.21mm 他

ZVS 降圧レギュレータ

非絶縁 レギュレータ

入力電圧: 12V (8 – 18V), 24V (8 – 42V), 48V (30 – 60V)

出力電圧: 2.2-16V 

出力電流: 最大22A

ピーク効率: 最大 98%

10.0 x 10.0 x 2.56mm 他

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ZVS 昇降圧レギュレータ

非絶縁 レギュレータ

入力電圧:  8-60V

出力電圧: 10-54V

出力電流: 最大150W(連続)

効率: 98%以上

10.5 x 14.5 x 3.05mm
