ポッドキャスト From Pikes Peak to Bonneville Salt Flats, Lightning Motorcycles electric bike outpaces the combustion engine motorcycles Lightning Motorcycles engineered all-electric bike excels in every category. See how Vicor power modules support this next-gen bike
Partner podcast Microgate and Vicor partner to unlock deep space secrets Learn how high density power modules help colossal Earth-based telescopes enhance deep space images
記事 MHz switching frequency-based devices enable miniaturization of the DC-DC converter and EMI filters Imagine using DC-DC converters solutions to harness the benefits of high-frequency switching without incurring conventional shortcomings
Partner podcast The importance of advanced power electronics in next-generation EVs Electrifying automobiles is the toughest power challenge of our time. Learn about how high-density power modules are changing the landscape
Partner podcast Powering the future: Innovations in GenAI power delivery How staggering are the power requirements of large language models? What can be done to reduce power consumption? Learn what modular power can do
Partner podcast The importance of edge computing Faster speeds are becoming critically important. Learn what applications are thriving and why power density is so critical to future growth
記事 Future-proof advanced EVs by adopting 48V zonal architectures As OEMs move to 48V, they consider how to optimize their power system design. Vicor power-dense modules deliver peak efficiency for 48V Zonal Architectures
Powering clean aviation initiatives Commercial aviation is still growing at 4.3% globally. This has many negative environmental consequences. Power modules are solving this problem.
記事 A novel way of using power modules to eliminate electric vehicle high-voltage pre-charge circuitry With a dense power module, engineers can design novel architectures that balance the tradeoffs associated with vehicle pre-charging
ケーススタディ Reducing I2R losses to enable extended missions Learn how Vicor delivers high power with efficiency and reduced weight for electronic countermeasures
ケーススタディ Providing well-regulated 48V at over 1kW Learn how Vicor delivers power at 1kW with efficiency and reduced weight
ケーススタディ Compact, efficient power solutions enable improved countermeasure capabilities Explore Vicor's efficient and reduced weight power delivery network for electronic warfare countermeasures systems
ケーススタディ Supporting more functionality, increased payload and longer run time Learn how Vicor delivers high power with efficiency and reduced weight that allows for greater payload options to support mission success
ケーススタディ Efficiently powering the growing suite of advanced on-board sensors Learn how Vicor delivers high power with efficiency and reduced weight air-to-surface (ASM) missiles
ケーススタディ High-density, high-power modules enable lighter, safer, lower cost tether cables to extend missions This class of unmanned vehicle is powered and controlled via a tether from a ground-based power source assisting in extended missions
ケーススタディ High-efficiency, high-density modules free up space for advanced communications and extend range High-efficiency class of UAV depend on solar power to meet its long flight time requirements
ケーススタディ DCM DC-DC converters double the internal bus power and help keep the aircraft as light as possible High-altitude long-endurance (HALE) UAVs are essentially flying satellites, designed to operate at extremely high altitudes for extended periods
ケーススタディ Supporting legacy accessories in new 800V architectures High-density power conversion using a single Vicor power module converts 800V to 400V with the smallest volume, lightest weight, and highest efficiency.
ケーススタディ Significantly reducing the size and weight of DC-DC conversion A traditional silver box power supply is too large and heavy to enable engineers’ goals to increase driving range between charges. Power modules reduce size and complexity while al...
ケーススタディ High density power conversion makes active suspensions viable High-density power conversion makes it practical to apply active suspensions at all 4 wheels of a BEV
ケーススタディ Lightweight and efficient power modules extend delivery routes and save space to carry more goods Last-mile consumer delivery of groceries, take-out food and online consumer items is the mission-critical task of autonomous robots
ケーススタディ Compact power modules allow space for advanced sensors that improve security and performance Inspection robots can monitor infrastructure more frequently and allow for rapid remediation before problems occur, saving lives, time, and money
ケーススタディ High-efficiency power modules maximize system run-time and improve productivity Logistic robots like AMRs and AGVs provide inventory management and order fulfillment tasks within large warehouse environments
ケーススタディ Extend flight times and support high-performance surveillance equipment to ensure safety and security Effective surveillance requires uninterrupted sensing and communication to ensure the safety and security of valued property, equipment, and assets
ケーススタディ Extending delivery missions and saving space for greater payloads Delivery UAVs must safely and securely deliver goods to their intended recipients wherever they are located
ケーススタディ Enabling greater functionality for reliability and productivity Drones in agriculture are uniquely challenged to carry heavy payloads for longer spraying times while flying in varying conditions
ケーススタディ Flexible, scalable power delivery networks can adapt to the right audio and video equipment Media and entertainment drones must carry heavy payloads and be able to stay in the air for as long as possible while being safe and compact as possible
ケーススタディ フレキシブルでスケーラブルなモジュールで構成するソリューションにより多くのシステムに対応、より健康的で清潔な空間を実現 (英) Robots use UV lamps or disinfecting sprays to eliminate dangerous pathogens and bacteria from large areas such as schools, warehouses, hospitals, etc.
ケーススタディ Lightweight power delivery networks enable maneuverable UAVs to inspect remote, wide operations Inspection UAVs ensure that infrastructure is sound, safe, and functional
ケーススタディ 頑丈で高信頼性、高効率の電源モジュールを使い、過酷な環境でも稼働時間を延ばす (英) Harvesting robots perform various tasks on farms, often autonomously and are equipped with sensors, cameras, and GPS systems to navigate their environment
動画 SeaRAY leverages Vicor tech to convert wave energy C-Power provides reliable, cost-effective ocean wave energy generation and storage. Vicor power modules support efficient kinetic energy conversion
記事 Reducing EV weight with high-density power modules EVs have a weight problem. Vicor high density power modules combined with a 48V zonal architecture can significantly cut weight and improve efficiency.
記事 With AI innovation comes power challenges Powering genAI is taxing software, hardware and environmental basics. Power modules help achieve higher current density, minimizing the overall impact.
動画 Driving next-gen efficiency and productivity to the battery lifecycle With soaring demand for batteries today, how can production keep pace? Learn why Vicor power dense modules are perfectly designed to meet today’s demands
記事 Fixed-ratio converters charge up efficiency across battery lifecycle Power conversion technology limits battery lifecycle productivity. Vicor high-density fixed-ratio converters enable greater efficiency
記事 Power delivery networks for New Space Space is an unforgiving environment demanding flawless reliability. Vicor radiation-tolerant power modules are proven to withstand the rigors of New Space
記事 Defining the future of edge computing using micro data centers The promise of edge computing is being delivered by HIRO. Using Vicor power modules healthcare, education and AI applications are having impact in Europe
記事 Roundtable: SOSA having an impact on military program requirements, business practices John Sturm, VP of Aerospace and Defense Business Unit, weighs in on SOSA (Sensor Open Systems Architecture) Technical Standard 1.0 after three years
記事 Fixed-ratio converters unleash innovation across the battery lifecycle Bidirectional DC-DC converter play a vital role in the evolving battery ecosystem. Learn how high-density power modules are driving new productivity
記事 DC-DC converters for NewSpace applications Smaller satellites harvest less energy using a modular approach to minimize I2R distribution losses, maximize efficiency and improve transient response
記事 Saab makes seabed exploration safer and more efficient thanks to innovation Vicor helps power Saab UK’s most-advanced fully electric, work class ROV. High-density power modules achieve compact, thermally-adept design
記事 The perfect opportunity for automotive power to move to 48V Saving weight is essential for automotive OEMs as they electrify their fleets. Learn how moving to 48V and Vicor power modules are helping the transition
記事 Tackling power challenges of genAI data centers AI training requirements demand a new approach to power distribution to enable peak performance. Vicor Vertical Power Delivery is the optimal approach
イベント Vicor presented at high-efficiency power supply and WBG technology application seminar High-efficiency power supply and WBG technology application seminar
ケーススタディ 高性能電源モジュールで、世界最先端の完全電動ワーククラス ROV (eWROV) を実現 Saab UK社は、小型で放熱性の高い電源モジュールを使って、世界最高クラスの性能をもつ、環境に優しい eWROVを実現
イベント Vicor offered solutions for maximizing vehicle weight reduction and 48V zonal architectures Solving automotive electrification challenges with the highest efficiency and highest power density power modules
Partner podcast The importance of advanced power electronics in next-generation EVs Greg Green, Vicor's Director of Automotive Marketing, shares why more power-efficient systems are essential in the design of tomorrow’s electric vehicles
イベント Vicor shared reliability and safety benefits using power modules for eVTOLS Power efficiency and reliability are essential for designing high performance eVTOLS. Learn how power modules help design smaller, lighter PDNs for eVTOLS
Partner podcast High tech shortcut to 48 volts Greg Green from Vicor expounds on the benefits of using power modules in a 48V zonal architecture to John McElroy of Autoline TV
記事 GenAI – Helping to tame the most power-intensive computing application on Earth Taming the power demands of genAI is very complex. Today Vicor power modules combined with Vertical Power Delivery architecture is the best solution
オンデマンドウェビナー Achieving EM conducted emission compliance for high voltage conversion with switching frequency above 1.3MHz Nicola Rosano, Sr. Strategic FA/System Engineer at Vicor unpacks how fixing electromagnetic interference (EMI) in systems employing high-frequency DC-DC converters poses a critical...
イベント MOSA Industry and Government Summit and Expo 2024 The MOSA summit explores the open standard architectures used in designing SOSA-aligned and VITA 62 power supplies
eBook Powering Innovation eBook: Volume 2 – Protecting and saving lives Innovative solutions that protect and deliver lifesaving materials and services
eBook Powering Innovation eBook: Volume 1 – Saving the environment Technological breakthroughs to protect and preserve the environment
eBook Powering Innovation eBook: Volume 3 – Changing what’s possible Technological advancements that challenge the boundaries of design and performance
Partner podcast Exploring the power dynamics of ROVs The ROV market is rapidly growing driven by a surge in subsea applications. Vicor power modules help customers innovate to support new applications
記事 Power modules boost innovation Vicor power modules are solving today’s toughest power challenges with innovative topologies, architectures and packaging
イベント International Conference EEHE 2024, Germany Vicor delivers a technical presentation and poster session at EEHE 2024 in Bamberg, Germany on the benefits of using high density power modules
オンデマンドウェビナー High-performance power modules drive the battery lifecycle Learn about the lifecycle of a battery and how high-performance, power dense modules are being used to reduce cost, size and improve efficiency
イベント World Congress Experience WCX 2024(米国・デトロイト) Vicor は、World Congress Experience 2024 (WCX™) で 5 つの講演を実施し、800V/48V 電力変換の革新的なアプローチを紹介。
記事 Meeting the challenges of power conversion in e-bikes Managing electrical noise in a compact and lightweight vehicle is a perpetual obstacle
記事 Guest blog: Defense industry embraces the benefits of standardized power supplies Earlier, serious consideration of the power delivery network can be the advantage you need once you understand the design benefits of power modules.
記事 Compact power modules are driving electrification Power modules address complex electrification challenges and offer creative latitude to solve today’s toughest power challenges
記事 48V systems: What you need to know as automakers say goodbye to 12V As automakers migrate to 48V power, more are considering a zonal power architecture. Vicor, a leader in 48V power, uses power modules to optimize this PDN
記事 Vicor’s 48V power architecture can support 12V systems OEMs can enjoy the benefits of 48V without immediately upgrading 12V devices. Versatile power modules enable easy employed 48V–12V conversion.
ホワイトペーパー High-bandwidth power modules quell the disruption of high-voltage line ripple rejection Vicor DC-DC converters combine high bandwidths with soft switching topologies to reduce EV ripple rejection more effectively than conventional solutions
記事 BEVs have a weight problem that can’t be solved with traditional approaches BEVs are getting heavier and adopting a 48V zonal architecture curbs the weight. High-density power modules maximize weight reduction and efficiency.
ポッドキャスト HIRO pushes Europe to the edge with high-performance microdata centers From supporting brain surgery to driving smart factories while saving power—HIRO is driving Europe to the edge with innovative computing concepts
記事 Bidirectional power for EVs: The practical and creative opportunities using power modules Bidirectional power modules enable vehicle-to-grid energy flow and other imaginative power opportunities. Learn more about Vicor power modules for EVs
記事 For New Space satellites, radiation tolerance means new design hurdle Vicor power modules are power dense, reliable and scalable. Furthermore, there are multiple benefits of soft switching in radiation-tolerant power systems
eBook 電動化に変革を起こす革新的な電力ソリューション (英) Learn how Vicor is enabling the electrification transformation with innovative power delivery application examples
イベント Asia Power Technology Development Forum Building more efficient renewable power applications with power modules
記事 電動車の400V系と800V系の間の電圧変換事例 現在、ポルシェ、ヒョンデ、GMCは、異なる方式で400V-800V間の電圧を変換しています。これらのディスクリート設計の方式に対する、電源モジュールにより実現する方法の特徴を解説します。
ポッドキャスト VideoRay drives safe, effective underwater exploration leveraging AI and today’s newest technologies Vicor Powering Innovation podcast discusses the proliferation of ROV applications and how VideoRay is responding to new underwater missions
イベント 60th Annual AOC International Symposium & Convention The premier EW and Radar technology event of the year
イベント Power Electronics Technology Seminar 2023 Learn how Vicor power modules are scalable and thermally adept to support a wide portfolio of power
記事 Better by design – New power management architectures The need for new power management architectures and the improvements they promise
イベント Vicor power modules set new standards for satellite communications Explore cutting edge power solutions at Space Tech Expo Europe
記事 ディスクリートの電源ではなく電源モジュールが選ばれる理由とは 信頼性、スケーラビリティ、サイズと重量、電源設計に求められる専門知識などの要素を分析することで、2つの設計手法の違いを明確にし、モジュールで構成する電源システム設計の利点を抽出します。
動画 Greg Green discusses industry insights on technology innovations for the next gen of EVs EETimes sponsored a panel discussion on Technology Innovation for the Next Gen of EVs. Learn what Greg Green of Vicor had to say about using power modules
ポッドキャスト The best battery on Earth is free and it is powering the new Blue Economy C-Power autonomous offshore power systems (AOPS) float in the ocean, capturing mechanical wave energy and converting it into usable power
記事 High-performance computing power FAQs A compilation of commonly asked questions about Vicor power solutions in high-performance computing
イベント Vicor presented current multiplier technology at Tech Taipei 2023 Learn the benefits of using current multiplier technology to maximize computing performance
Partner podcast Embedded Executive: Automotive discussion with Patrick Kowalyk Optimizing your EV high voltage (800V/400V) power delivery network presents many challenges. Learn how power dense power modules offer new possibilities
ケーススタディ ライトニング・モーターサイクル社、電動オートバイレースの記録を更新 ライトニング・モーターサイクル社は、振動も騒音も熱もなく、無限のトルクを感じる - これまでにない乗り心地を実現した電動オートバイを生み出しました。
Partner podcast Battery formation and test High voltage battery manufacturing faces a number of economic challenges. Learn about Vicor solutions to cut battery formation and test time and costs
イベント ITmedia Virtual EXPO 2023 秋 Vicorは、2023年8月29日(火)~9月29日(金)に開催されるオンラインイベント「ITmedia Virtual EXPO 2023 秋」組み込み開発&エレクトロニクス・AI EXPOに出展します。
記事 Is the automotive industry ready for modular powertrains and 48-V batteries? Modular power designs are gaining more traction in the race to automotive electrification. Size, weight and design flexibility make them a perfect fit
記事 Vicor engineer Chris Swartz achieves senior member status at Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Chris Swartz achieves IEEE Senior Member, an elite status held by less than 10% of its members. Swartz has worked at Vicor for 15 years
記事 Modular approach solves 48V power architecture electrification challenges Power dense modules from Vicor are the best way to accelerate automotive electrification. They are flexible, light weight and easy to use
Partner podcast Powering the high-performance compute market Ajith Jain, Vice President AI & HPC discusses the trends for powering AI, and high performance computing on the Electronic Specifier podcast
記事 Light, efficient LED power design uses 48V and power modules LED displays are getting larger, more expensive and more costly to operate. Vicor power dense modules are smaller, lighter and more efficient to run
記事 Powering change Patrizio Vinciarelli, CEO of Vicor, quietly solves the toughest power challenges on the planet — automotive electrification and powering AI
イベント Vicor demonstrated industry leading LEO and MEO satellite power solutions at NSREC 2023 Vicor radiation-tolerant COTS power modules are optimized to power today's more advanced and higher power ASICs and processors
イベント Vicor to present how to accelerate xEV design using 48V at automotive HV power supply systems conference in Munich Vicor presents at Automotive HV Power Supply Systems Conference in Munich. Learn how High density power modules accelerate xEV design using 48V power
記事 パトリシオ・ヴィンチアレッリ、Vicorを設立して電力変換の課題解決に挑む パトリシオ・ヴィンチアレッリは40年以上にわたり、パワーエレクトロニクス業界に新しい道を切り開き続け、顧客の電源システムに組込むための、業界最高水準の電力密度と電流密度のモジュール型電源を生み出してきました。
イベント Vicor unveiled breakthrough modular solutions for inverter ripple currents Vicor presented a solution for mitigating inverter ripple currents and voltage in electric vehicles at EEHE conference
ポッドキャスト Next generation hydrogen powered drones are doing search and rescue, saving lives Doosan Mobility’s life-saving drones using hydrogen fuel cells and high-density power modules, enabling 5x longer flight time than lithium ion batteries
eBook Innovative reliable power solutions for mission critical applications A collection of technical resources aimed at educating users on the benefits of using modular power in aerospace, defense and space applications
記事 Battery formation and test glossary of terms A comprehensive list of commonly used battery formation and test terminology
記事 Test and instrumentation glossary of terms A comprehensive list of commonly used test and instrumentation terminology
ケーススタディ 人間を超える知覚力と探知能力でパトロールする、自律型セキュリティロボット ナイトスコープ社のセキュリティロボットを使えば、危険の兆候を積極的に見つけ出すことで、より安全に犯罪を防止できます
ポッドキャスト From toys to construction site tools, OLogic brings robotic ideas to life OLogic extols high-density power modules to drive today’s robotic revolution
イベント Vicor spotlights world-class power solutions at Dixie Crow Symposium Vicor power solutions deliver increased power density enabling military designers to spend less of their size & weight budgets on power
記事 Power converters enable innovation in robotics applications Minimizing size and weight are important in robotics design, but increasing power is essential for supporting new sensors, peripherals and features
記事 OLogic, Vicor help Dusty Robotics optimize power for construction robots OLogic, Vicor collaborate to optimize power and systems functionality for Dusty Robotics FieldPrinter
記事 In the age of electrification, is the 12V battery still necessary? Today’s BEVs are powered by 400 or 800V batteries. So is a 12V battery still needed? Learn how small, power modules can replace the 12V battery
ポッドキャスト CCell Renewables is reversing coastal erosion while enhancing the ocean’s natural ecosystems CCell fabricates coral reefs faster than nature can produce them, in an environmentally safe manner
記事 High-density power modules boost performance for a new generation of mobile robots Minimizing size and weight are important in robotics design, but increasing power is essential for supporting new sensors, peripherals and features.
記事 MOSA power supplies, custom components, engineering talent: Q & A with Vicor's John Sturm SOSA provides a level of standardization. MOSA looks from a system standpoint to assure compatibility & interoperability in hardware & software development
記事 CCell社、Elektra Award にてパワーシステム・プロダクト・オブ・ザ・イヤーを受賞 CCell社は、再生可能エネルギーとVicorの電源モジュールを用いて、新しいサンゴ礁の成長を加速させ、世界中の海岸浸食を軽減しています。
記事 Radiation-tolerant power electronic systems are hard to design Optimizing the power distribution network (PDN) is very critical when dealing with high currents consumed by modern ASICs, FPGAs, CPUs and GPUs
記事 Vertical power delivery enables cutting-edge processing New developments are challenging power system designers with managing PDN impedance voltage drops, transient performance specifications and power loss
記事 Vicor Corporation is named 2022 Massachusetts Manufacturer of the Year Vicor recognized as a leader in Massachusetts manufacturing following the opening of the first-ever ChiP™ fabrication facility.
ホワイトペーパー The future of standardized defense platforms using MOSA, SOSA and VPX open architectures Using open standards to increase interoperability, scalability, reliability, reduce system costs, and minimize the number of custom electronics designs
ポッドキャスト Dragonfly社は、海上通信の構築に、新しい有線ドローンでどのように挑んだのか DPI社の有線ドローンは、最高500フィートの高度で運用でき、船舶無線の見通し距離を8マイルから最大30マイルまで延ばすことができます。
記事 電動化/大電力化が進む産業機器市場に、先端の電源技術で対応するVicor 近年、産業機器市場では電動化やバッテリー駆動などの新技術トレンドが加速しており、Vicorがここ4~5年で特に力を入れて開発してきたHPCや車載技術を大いに活用することが可能です。
記事 Aerospace and defense power FAQs A compilation of commonly asked questions about Vicor power solutions in aerospace and defense applications
記事 Aerospace and defense glossary of terms A comprehensive list of commonly used aerospace and defense terminology
記事 Vicor delivers power conversion breakthroughs to fuel a robot revolution OLogic incorporates advanced, integrated power modules from Vicor to ignite a new generation of mobile robots
記事 オンボードチャージャーで(400/800V)両方のバッテリーに対応する Range anxiety is the biggest inhibitor to EV adoption. Learn how this is best solved by an onboard power converter, not more charging stations
Partner podcast Redefining how electricity is distributed Voltserver employs Vicor’s BCM6123 fixed ratio bus converter in the receiver portion of the Digital voltage system
記事 Redefining automotive power delivery networks Conversion of an EV’s HV battery using a high-density automotive-qualified DC-DC module offers weight and space savings for automotive manufacturers
記事 Combating coastal erosion using renewable energy to expedite coral growth The combo of the PRM and VTM allows for reasonably high-voltage DC to convert to quite low-voltage DC at relatively high current in a very efficient way
記事 Vicor power modules boost satellite internet constellations Vicor high-efficiency, high-density and high-current solutions play well into the new space model
記事 Pump the brakes when it comes to EV fast-charging stations Grappling with the EV 400V and 800V charging dilemma? Vicor deliver the surest way to eliminate compatible with any DC fast-charging station
記事 Vicor touts its american “ChiP” fab as the industry’s first Vicor ChiP power devices such as this are also able to flourish even in the toughest environments
記事 Vicor ChiP™ fab – Automated and sustainable manufacturing Vicor's vertically integrated fab uses patented processes enabling Vicor to produce high-quality, low-cost & reliable power module manufacturing
記事 Vicor completes 95,000 s/f ChiP fab expansion The new ChiP fab uses patented fabrication processes that differentiate Vicor power modules by enabling the most power-dense & energy efficient solutions
記事 モジュールで構成する高電力密度の電源システムに適した、PCBレイアウトと放熱設計 High-density loads like processors for artificial intelligence & supercomputing have become sophisticated & fast, pushing power components to capacity
記事 Defense-electronics spending seeks to overcome COVID-19 setbacks in key applications With COVID and the concerns over global economy and security, Vicor expects growth and R&D investment in unmanned vehicle deployment and ISR technology
記事 Where fixed-ratio converters fit in high-power delivery systems The density and efficiency of a fixed-ratio converter plays a critical role in enabling PDN architecture to deliver high performance
記事 Life-saving tethered drones get a power and comms boost The initial DC-DC converter design was heavy & consumed too much space. The lightweight DCM by Vicor provided the ideal power & weight for the application
記事 Unlocking super compute performance For legacy systems where more efficiency and power are needed, Vicor provides a simple option using a bidirectional NBM™ non-isolated bus converter
記事 How to replicate the automotive 12V battery Vicor high-density bus converter module technology enables ideal EV architecture
eBook Accelerate vehicle electrification with the smallest, lightest power modules EV sales for both pure battery electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles are accelerating rapidly
記事 High-density power for New Space missions needed as demand booms, study predicts Satellite power designers must deliver 20-30 times more current than legacy systems, while reducing the size, weight, & cost of the power delivery network
動画 Rob Russell shares his industry insights into the future of LEO and MEO satellite deployments Rob Russell discusses the trends in the LEO and MEO satellite market with Pat Hindle at Microwave Journal
記事 Edge computing leverages modular power in scalable micro data centers HIRO edge computing application delivers real time data to enhance brain surgery. Learn how Vicor’s power modules meet the high performance demands
記事 Optimizing power delivery networks Optimizing power delivery networks (PDNs) inevitably ends in system tradeoffs. Using power modules, the concessions are smaller and performance is better
動画 Building Better UAVs using Modular Power Vicor modules are power dense and lightweight, can easily scale as well as being flexible, while optimizing payloads and increasing flight times for UAVs
記事 Global connectivity becoming a reality with the help of new, high density, power solutions Terrestrial broadband can’t keep up with demand for internet bandwidth. Learn how power modules are enabling Satellites to fill this gap
記事 Space and satellite frequently asked questions (FAQs) Trust the power experts at Vicor to help you solve your toughest LEO and MEO satellite power design challenges in space
記事 Engineering a sea change in ocean wave energy harvesting Harvesting wave energy to provide reliable, cost-effective energy generation and storage, data, and communication services for offshore assets
記事 Power density: the inconspicuous key to delivering worldwide internet coverage Learn from the experts the rapidly evolving trends in powering LEO and MEO satellites for today's advanced communication networks in space
イベント 2022年4月5日~7日開催 World Congress Experience WCX 2022 Vicor presented three new power-dense approaches for powering xEVs
ホワイトペーパー Delivering higher power density and low noise for New Space applications Patented power design techniques and architectures needed to deliver optimal power and low noise for space communications applications
ケーススタディ 自然災害時の通信を支える、有線ドローンによる通信基地局 フカデンが開発した有線給電システムを利用した、臨時の通信基地局の機能を持つドローンを使えば、災害時にインターネットや携帯電話サービスを提供できます。
記事 Auto electrification boosted by modular designs Like power-over-ethernet, digital electricity safely transmits up to 2kW of power across long distances (2km) using low-cost, off-the-shelf data cables
記事 Challenges and design considerations for designing a power delivery network for New Space Learn the basics to designing a better more reliable power delivery network that will deliver peak performance for LEO and MEO communication satellites
記事 Vicor partners with Voltserver™ for Digital Electricity™ Digital Electricity enables operators to safely transmit as much 2kW of power across 2km using off-the-shelf data cabling. Vicor delivers DC-DC conversion
記事 2022 energy forecast: Ultra-dense power delivery networks are re-shaping the future UAV and robots are being deployed for more hazardous types of mobile jobs. Vicor power-dense modules make it easy to power these applications
記事 Digital electricity brings intelligence and safety into power transmission Digital Electricity™ offers the benefits of low-voltage with the power and distance capabilities (2km) of AC. Vicor provides DC-DC power conversion
記事 High-density power is needed to keep pace with projected 20X growth in New Space What will it take to achieve global Internet coverage? A lot of power. Learn how Vicor is helping increase internet bandwidth 20x over the next 10 years
記事 Radiation-tolerant power electronics key to filling satellite infrastructure gap Vicor’s innovative power solutions help to deliver broadband connectivity to billions of people with limited or no access to high-speed internet
記事 Helping the U.S. Navy convert ocean waves into perpetual power Vicor and C-Power unlock new opportunities for U.S. Navy using C-Power’s SeaRAY which provides localized power-generation and data services at sea
記事 Shrink the 12V battery by half and maintain cold crank? How much space and weight could you save by sizing the 12V battery correctly to meet your always-on use cases? Learn how much when using power modules
記事 Space glossary of terms Learn the language of the stars with this handy space and satellite glossary of terms
ホワイトペーパー Optimizing high-density power design: modular vs. discrete There are several important design variables to consider when evaluating the power module design process
Partner podcast Capturing the power of the ocean Ocean waves breaking around the world’s coastline can deliver as much as the 2 – 3 million megawatts of total power
Partner podcast The new wave in energy generation Wave power has lagged behind solar and wind, but it has perhaps the greatest potential
ケーススタディ HIRO社の小型で拡張性が高いエッジコンピューティング Edge computing is critical to realizing the full potential of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and Internet of Things (IoT)
記事 Achieving higher power density with good-old Si MOSFETs Minimizing tradeoffs and workarounds using high voltages and modular power approach to power systems design give longevity to the Si MOSFET
動画 Collaborate with Vicor to accelerate vehicle electrification Overcoming hurdles with fast charging, converting high voltage and bridging 12V and 48V applications
記事 Powering clustered AI processors Vertical power enables up to 100kA of current and multi-rail core voltage delivery
Partner podcast C-Power and Vicor deliver efficient, renewable energy for offshore applications Power systems that perpetually generate and store 10W to 1MW from ocean waves
記事 Is the 12V lead-acid battery dead? Leveraging an EV’s high voltage battery to deliver 12V more efficiently
記事 Compact, high-density, high-efficiency DC-DCs for New Space applications Satellite operators are offering sophisticated on-board processing capabilities
ケーススタディ Digital Electricity™ delivers true digital transformation The digitalization of buildings, agriculture and outdoor stadiums require intelligent edge-sensors to facilitate real-time data transmission to the cloud
記事 Electrified vehicles: 48V is the new 12V A vehicle has many different power requirements. A modular power approach is inherently more flexible and scalable, able to address these challenges
eBook Highest power density conversion for better UAVs The proliferation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and drones has revolutionized industries from agriculture to emergency response
記事 Preparing the way ahead for a compatible EV infrastructure Onboard conversion enables EVs to charge any station
記事 Eliminate the 12V battery and increase EV performance Vicor power module transient response (75A/10µs), is three times faster than 12V, in essence creating a virtual battery
記事 Modular power delivery networks for UAVs The key challenge we see facing engineers today is the demand for smaller, lighter-weight designs that deliver higher power
記事 Powering high performance computing Factorized Power Architecture delivers lower core voltages and higher core currents while providing lower losses and higher efficiency
ホワイトペーパー DCM for tethered UAV applications Tethered drones can be demanding as weight reduction is a critical requirement. Vicor DCMs create an optimum solution for this type of application
ケーススタディ 海洋のアプリケーションに給電する波力発電 Oceanographic exploration is challenging because of unpredictable environmental conditions
記事 Dragonfly UAVs extends ship radio line-of-site from communication nearly 4x Deploying 800V high voltage power enabled the tethered UAV to minimize losses and drag by using a thinner, lighter tether cable power
記事 Fuel cell powered drones deliver humanitarian supplies Hydrogen fuel-cell-powered drones use high density power modules for overseas humanitarian missions. The innovative PDN provides 4x flight times.
記事 Six questions to consider before designing your robot’s power architecture Power dense modules are the optimal robotics solution that deliver compact, lightweight and scalable power that is efficient and flexible
記事 The race to automotive electrification: what it takes to win To achieve their aggressive electrification goals, OEMs need to innovate their power delivery networks using high density, scalable power modules
記事 Innovating power module packaging Power module packaging is a unique differentiator that has enable Vicor to increase power density by more than 500x in 40 years
eBook 48Vアーキテクチャの高電力密度電力変換技術で、ロボットを改善 (英) 最新のロボット技術に必要な厳しい要求に対して、ディスクリート部品を用いるソリューションで直面する課題を解決する方法を解説します。
ツール, 動画 Enables quick and easy configuration of complete, high efficiency, compact, multi-output power systems. Designing your power system and/or choosing the right module is as easy as entering your input and output power and your basic system requirements
記事 WiBotic and Vicor automate wireless charging for robots Wibotic’s adaptive matching system underpins innovative approach to enable more robotic fleet productivity. Vicor power modules support wireless charging
記事 Hydrogen fuel cell power extends drone range by 4x Hydrogen fuel cell drones deliver 4x duration of lithium ion batteries. Vicor power modules enable Doosan’s innovative, efficient power delivery network
ケーススタディ Power solution reduces downtime for ultrasonic pipeline inspection Power solution reduces downtime by upgrading the sensors, cameras and onboard processors
Partner podcast Vicor supports robust power demands of next generation wireless charging for mobile robots and drones The next generation of robotic productivity replies on power dense modules to support autonomous, wireless charging
記事 Overcoming tethered UAV challenges with a high-voltage, compact module-based power delivery network Optimizing tethered UAV performance by deploying compact, module-based power delivery network. High voltage enables thinner, lighter tethered cable
記事 Autonomous wireless charging keeps robots moving Wibotic and Vicor partner to deliver enhanced power systems that drive autonomous wireless charging for optimal robot and UAV performance
ケーススタディ 過酷な水中ミッションに対応するモジュールで構成する水中ドローン (ROV) VideoRay’s modular design approach offers unprecedented flexibility to quickly design ROVs for custom missions
ホワイトペーパー High-density, modular power delivery networks optimize mobile robot performance Fixed-ratio and high-efficiency buck and buck-boost converters enable more range, duration and payload
ケーススタディ More power within the same space for machine vision systems Machine vision systems have dramatically increased the throughput and quality of products built on automated production lines by improving accuracy
ケーススタディ Improving the ergonomics of hand-held tools with medical robots Miniature robotic tools can facilitate a reduction in the scope of medical surgery
ケーススタディ Wide input voltage facilitates contactless power solution for overhead gantry robots Many factories specializing in the fabrication of heavy objects can benefit from an overhead gantry with robots
ケーススタディ High efficiency converters help maximize run-time for autonomous warehouse robots High efficiency converters help maximize run-time
ケーススタディ Low-weight, low-noise solution for sewer inspection robots Power more sensors without increasing weight to improve autonomy, mobility and AI (allowing deep learning) is enabling inspection robots to replace humans
ケーススタディ More patrolling, less recharging for security robots The addition of sensors like LIDAR, together with sophisticated onboard AI processors, has allowed autonomous robots to interact more safely with humans
記事 Lighter cables enable new markets for tethered drones Power modules support high efficiency tethered surveillance drone that can detach and fly free to track and chase
ケーススタディ Aircraft gets an 11kW power supply the size of a tablet computer An upgrade to a high-altitude long endurance (HALE) UAV platform included fitting a new, higher-resolution, longer-range radar and improving the telemetry
ケーススタディ Reliable operation in a tough environment for ore prospecting instrumentation When drilling for ore at shallower sites complexity and cost can be significantly reduced using a motor driven helical screw drill bit
ケーススタディ DC-DC transformer facilitates implementation of longer tether for underwater ROV DC-DC transformer facilitates implementation of longer tether
ケーススタディ Delivering high current at very low voltage for satellite antennas Delivering high current at very low voltage suits the need for a small, robust and reliable low profile power solution for antennas
ケーススタディ Bi-directional converter shrinks battery array to one cell for portable x-rays Solid-state X-ray technology allows X-ray scanners to be portable and battery operated, enabling medical staff to check patients in any location
ケーススタディ High density power allows for unobtrusive 5G indoor small-cell base station High density power allows for unobtrusive base station
記事 モジュール型設計の強み(英) Power delivery networks are rapidly changing, and their power requirements require a wide portfolio of modules to enable the maximum.
記事 Meeting the challenges of power-hungry Aerospace and Defense applications with modular power The Aerospace and Defense markets continue to demand size and weight reduction of their power systems while simultaneously requiring more power
記事 航空宇宙・防衛:エッジコンピューティングに必要な電力供給をSWaP(サイズ・重力・消費電力)の制約下で実現 Standardizing MILCOTS for VPX. Explore how Vicor is exceeds today's need for rugged power supplies that deliver the power while being optimized for size and weight
ケーススタディ メジャーツーリングカー選手権で世界初のハイブリッドシステム導入へ(日) New hybrid engine features an innovative, ultra-lightweight, 48V lithium-ion-based battery pack and intelligent power management system
動画 400VをSELVシステムの電源に(英) Ian Mazsa sits down with EE Journal to discuss best practices and benefits of using high voltage power
ホワイトペーパー 革新した電力供給ネットワーク (PDN) (英) Every electronic piece of equipment or system has a power delivery network (PDN)
オンデマンドウェビナー Tethered UAV power matching Discover new techniques using real-world applications to develop system architecture and select power components to fulfill conversion needs
記事 Today’s vehicles require higher power and less weight Read how Vicor is addressing the need and demand for smaller, lighter vehicles to achieve lower CO2 emissions
ケーススタディ 機動性とリモート通信を革新する、新しい有線ドローン Tethered multi-rotor drones are designed to track and follow mobile host platforms under the most extreme weather conditions
ホワイトペーパー BCMs transform high-voltage batteries into SELV systems Eliminate intermediate energy storage in EV power architectures. Read this Vicor white paper on BCM Selve systems
記事 Design guide to powering tethered UAVs To upgrade features in a UAV increases the payload weight, so your power supply need to be power dense, scalable flexible to accommodate change
記事 航空業界向けの環境に優しい電源システム(英) The airline industry is undergoing an evolution of aircraft electrification, to analyze the cost/performance benefits of electric-powered aviation
オンデマンドウェビナー 失敗しないAC-DC設計 AC-DC設計に必要な電源インピーダンス、突入電流、フィルタの共振とダンピング、PFC、フォルト、ヒューズ、システムの安定性と安全に対する留意点についてわかりやすく解説します。
Partner podcast テスラとVicorが、自動車の電源システムを設計するうえで重要なトレードオフについて意見交換 Electric vehicles can use up to 20X more electrical power than a traditional internal combustion engine vehicle
記事 Eliminate intermediate energy storage in EV power architectures Vicor fixed ratio converters transform high-voltage batteries into 48V and 12V SELV systems
記事 High-density DC-DC delivers 22A, with Sn/Pb BGA option Vicor has added a Pb-inclusive version of its 3V-ouput buck controllers for MIL-COTS applications
記事 Vicor power modules support charging, delivery and conversion for electrified vehicles Power delivery to the various loads in the vehicle is changing from 12 to 48V as a means of reducing vehicle weight
動画 ロボットのための高効率給電システム Learn how to overcome hurdles with fast charging, converting high voltage and bridging 12V and 48V applications
動画 ロボットのための高効率給電システム Learn how Vicor delivers high power with efficiency and reduced weight for various robots
ケーススタディ Factorized Power 技術を用いて、モバイル衛星ブロードバンド接続の信頼性を大幅に改善して、より高性能なモバイル通信を実現 Phasor delivers robust mobile broadband connectivity using Factorized Power
記事 Factorized power accelerates coral reef restoration CCell Renewables’ mission is to combat coastal erosion and enhance marine ecosystems
Partner podcast PSDcast – Autonomous wireless charging of robot and drone fleets will reshape the future of automation and production How to build and power autonomous wireless charging for robots or battery at any station, enabling the maximum up time
ケーススタディ Electric-powered aviation with high-efficiency, scalable power components Escalating concern over rising carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is driving worldwide demand for more pure electric vehicle and hybrid electric vehicles
ケーススタディ Wireless charging delivers next generation productivity for robotics and UAVs Robotic and unmanned vehicle (UV) fleets are reshaping the future of automation and production
Partner podcast What are the advantages of a decentralized power architecture in automotive? Decentralized power is a phenomenon that's starting to hit the automotive sector
ホワイトペーパー 電力供給ネットワークを刷新する電圧変換比固定DC-DCコンバータ This white paper discusses the fixed ratio, DC DC converter and why designers should consider it an essential part of the power delivery architecture
オンデマンドウェビナー モジュールで構成するDC-DC電源システムの最適な設計手法 DC-DCシステムを設計するために、入出力のフィルター、保護回路、入力電源とのマッチング、負荷の動特性などの特に気を付けるポイントについて具体的な事例を用いりながら解説します。
動画 Mouser: DC-DC converters provide superior power system performance and connectivity With its high frequency zero voltage switching (ZVS) topology, DCMs consistently deliver high efficiency across their specified input line range
動画 Mouser: High-power, zero-voltage switching DC-DC converters consistently deliver high efficiency The Vicor DCM3623 family are isolated, regulated DC-DC converters, operating from an unregulated, wide range input to generate an isolated output
動画 Mouser: New class of DC-DC power converters meet the rigors of onboard rail applications The Vicor DCM2322 family of isolated and regulated DC-DC converters provide high efficiency and high power density for rail, defense, aerospace, and more
動画 Digi-Key: Powering modern rail systems The DCM2322 is an isolated, regulated DC-DC converter enabling high-frequency, zero-voltage switching that has a low-profile design with high-density filtering
動画 Mouser: 48V/12Vを双方向変換・98%の高効率 The NBM2317 bridging converter for 12v and 48v systems enables cost-effective high-density and high-efficiency
動画 Mouser: High-efficiency point-of-load regulators The PI3523 ZVS Switching Regulators are high-efficiency and integrate the controller, switches, amplifiers and support components in a high-density LGA system
動画 Digi-Key: DC-DC converters that provide all the necessary performance and features needed to create smaller, lighter and less costly power systems The DCM3623T75H53 module leverages the thermal and density benefits of Vicor ChiP packaging technology, allowing customers to achieve cost effective power solutions with previously...
動画 Digi-Key: High‑performance buck regulators achieve size reduction PI3325 ZVS buck regulators are highly integrated system-in-package regulators that integrate the controller, power switches, and support components in a 10 x 14mm LGA package
記事 Electronic Design: Solve auto electrification challenges with a decentralized 48V power architecture
ホワイトペーパー ファクトライズド・パワー・アーキテクチャ: 基板実装型電源の高電力密度化、高効率化を実現 ポイント・オブ・ロード(PoL)の大電流・高密度という問題の解決に使えるのが、ファクトライズド・パワー・アーキテクチャ(FPA)です。
Partner podcast Adopting the 48V battery Vehicle electrical requirements for modern EVs and hybrids adopt the 48V battery
動画 Meeting the Power Challenges for Today’s Modern Rail Michael Schipani sits down with Amelia Dalton, Host of Chalk Talk (EE Journal) to discuss the power challenges and trends within the rail industry
動画 Digi-Key: Efficiently Bridging 12V to 48V Bridging 12V to 48V, the Vicor NBM2317 is a non-isolated, fixed ratio, DC-DC bidirectional converter that uses a unique switching topology and packaging
ホワイトペーパー 大容量コンデンサを削除することにより 小型/ 軽量なシステムを構築 Vicor's Factorized Power Architecture™ (FPA) delivers significant reductions in both size and weight
ホワイトペーパー Power averaging with regulation: a smart solution for pulsed loads Power averaging for configuring a system to power pulsed loads allows the designer to build a system that is small, power dense and very efficient
ホワイトペーパー An easier and more efficient way to keep your LEDs running brighter, longer! LED video wall technology is expensive to deploy and maintain. But better power design can improve performance, efficiency and long-term success
ホワイトペーパー Designing rapid-start power applications that never fail Rapid-start power systems operate at daunting speeds as fast as 10ms
ユーザーガイド PMBus® Interface and Accessories User Guide (For use with adapter part number I2C-ADAPTER-A02)
ホワイトペーパー 複数のコンバータを使用した ワイド入力 DC-DC 電源ソリューション One-size-fits-all typically simplifies situations. However, this approach does not deliver the best results when selecting an ultra-wide DC-DC power supply
ホワイトペーパー Designing military-grade, rapid-start power applications In the field of battle milliseconds can be the difference between success and failure. Learn what it takes to design a flawless rapid-start power system
ケーススタディ Image stability for the gimbal system improves vehicle-mounted optical sights Compact vehicle power supply
動画 Why are power designs moving to 48V? To power the next generation of data centers, electric vehicles and AI-driven technologies, industries are moving to 48V power
オンデマンドウェビナー 鉄道アプリケーション向けの電源システム設計 This webinar explains the market pressures on engineers developing power systems for the rail industry and ways to overcome the technical challenges
オンデマンドウェビナー Your Power System Failed its Conducted EMI Test – Now What? This webinar focuses on techniques to help identify the real source for EMI test failure quickly, and how to reduce their noise spectrum
ケーススタディ Scalable, low-weight DC-DC solution for high-capacitive loads in airborne radar DC-DC Solution for a unique power system challenge
ケーススタディ Direct infrared countermeasure's optical circuitry runs cooler while meeting stringent EMI specs When size and weight matters
ツール, ホワイトペーパー The need for greater energy efficiency, higher output and increased density must be met despite reducing design cycle times to shorten time-to-market
ツール, ホワイトペーパー This paper explains how power designers can use these steps to remove the stress of safety certifications for their next design
ホワイトペーパー High-density, modular power delivery networks optimize mobile robot performance New AC-DC system architecture based on fixed-ratio bus converters is described and analyzed along with its benefits and trade-offs
ホワイトペーパー In critical applications, where power supply failure can be catastrophic, fault-tolerant power supplies use N+1 similar converters to provide a very high level of reliability
ホワイトペーパー How Vicor power components enable power averaging As system power levels increase, many power designers are finding it difficult to stay within space and weight constraints. Designing the power system for the average power can be ...
ホワイトペーパー Leveraging bus converters in regulated DC-DC applications FPA™ (Factorized Power Architecture™) has provided leverage in solving demanding power challenges which call for high levels of efficiency, power density and superior power handlin...
ホワイトペーパー PFC single-conversion line ripple cancellation using the Yeaman topology The main characteristic of this topology is to separate the output voltage regulation function from the bulk power‑conversion function, as it is used in DC‑DC converters
ホワイトペーパー Practical EMI control in a power component design space This article attempts to address the notion of control of conducted emissions in the context of applying Vicor Power Components in a customer application
ケーススタディ A wide-input voltage range allows full utilization of the battery, which extended the range of the UAVs Facilitating battery upgrade to extend range
ケーススタディ Different power requirements are handled so that UAVs adapt to different required payloads Scalable solutions for maximum functionality
オンデマンドウェビナー 電源設計における分かりやすい安全規格 This webinar presents a checklist of things to consider about safety when working on your next power design
ホワイトペーパー The Power Dilemma for the Next Generation of Automobiles Electric, hybrid electric, driver assistance systems and infotainment are creating new power demands for automotive manufacturers
ホワイトペーパー High-density, modular power delivery networks optimize mobile robot performance The top reasons for not completing designs on time include the demand for increasingly higher-performance and a lack of engineering resources and skills
ホワイトペーパー High-performance zvs buck regulator removes barriers to increased power throughput in wide input range point-of-load applications Today's higher performance applications require more than what conventional regulators can offer
ホワイトペーパー Control of a discontinuous-conduction-mode ZVS Buck-Boost topology for microprocessor core power In this paper, the authors navigate the design challenges one encounters implementing such a voltage regulation scheme that are not seen in the traditional continuous‑conduction‑mo...
ホワイトペーパー Thermal models of Vicor power components This paper describes the circuit models that have been created for Vicor products to allow engineers to estimate the maximum internal temperature of the power component
アプリケーションノート Creating high-voltage outputs for the Micro, Mini, Maxi; VI-200, MI-200; VI-J00, MI-J00 converter families only
ツール, ホワイトペーパー Why are power designs moving to 48V? A growing number of industries are moving to higher-voltage, 48V distribution versus conventional 12V distribution
ホワイトペーパー Reverse-mode application of Sine Amplitude Converters The power electronics industry is seeing the re-emergence of DC high-voltage distribution in place of AC systems of power transmission within advanced machines and installations
ホワイトペーパー How to avoid the "hidden costs" of power system design Is designing your power system costing too much? Discrete designs can be more costly. Learn more about the benefits of a modular approach to design
動画 Power on Package and 3M Demonstration Vicor and 3M demonstrate the benefits of liquid immersion cooling
動画 Gyoukou Supercomputer Leveraging 48V Factorized Power Watch the demonstration of Gyoukou, the ExaScaler/PEZY ZettaScaler-2.2 liquid immersion cooling supercomputer
ケーススタディ Decreased weight and size of the power source enables the payload increase of tethered robots Multiple power source, rugged vehicle robots
ケーススタディ Power sharing among converters simplifies remote upgrading of optical packet transport systems Field upgradable power
ケーススタディ AC line input replaces an existing DC solution in an existing PBX system Flexible telephone system
ケーススタディ Distributed antenna system redesign is now powered over ethernet Powering an invisible DAS solution
ケーススタディ High power supply efficiency provides reliable power over ethernet Power over ethernet (POE) distribution
ケーススタディ Powering high-tech 4K cameras overcomes size, weight and EMI requirements More bits, less weight
ケーススタディ Remote radio units better distribute traffic while operating under fault conditions Keeping one step ahead in a fast changing market
ケーススタディ 100% reliable backhaul communications uses an array with a footprint of just 52.97cm2 Unique paralleling capability for 100% reliability
ケーススタディ 4G remote radio unit extends mobile signal coverage in remote areas Facilitating a base station performance upgrade
ケーススタディ Conduction-cooling solution allows for truly portable network test equipment High-performance, lightweight AC to load solution
ケーススタディ A complete N+1 solution maintains uptime for network security AC-DC power supply Network security redundant AC-DC supply for secure power
ケーススタディ Low-profile AC-DC solution allows distributed antenna system to run at high temps without fans Low-profile AC-DC solution for flexible installation
ケーススタディ A fanless power solution gives antenna array fast, reliable data coverage. Hidden power for antenna arrays
ケーススタディ Industrial flow meters are more accurate while working over wider flow ranges Power components simplify source redundancy
ケーススタディ Explosive-proof camera images in variable lighting conditions become more clear, sharp and accurate with AC-DC solution Low-noise AC-DC solution for harsh environments
ケーススタディ The rugged environment for Bus Wi‑Fi gets an efficient and reliable power Flexible solution reduces system size
ケーススタディ Different vehicle voltages is accommodated by one solution for digital video recorders Single-BOM solution for multiple input voltage requirements
ケーススタディ Automated test equipment’s speed and throughput improves with factorized power architecture Increase speed & throughput of an automated test station
ケーススタディ Fire alarm control unit uses DC-DC supply and battery backup while increasing functionality Maximizing available operational time under battery
ケーススタディ Industrial welding laser speed and accuracy improves using factorized power architecture Maximizing laser speed & accuracy through innovative power solutions
ケーススタディ Scalable power solutions allow marine instrumentation to keep precision while operating in extreme environments Adding more and more capabilities into increasingly smaller spaces
ケーススタディ Bidirectional DC-DC converters conveniently transfer power between the grid and batteries in home energy storage The future of home energy
ケーススタディ Handling a variety of user-defined output power requirements for medical carts Minimizing lead times through scalable power design
ケーススタディ Power supply size reduction allows for additional medical diagnostic equipment functionality within the same footprint Re-architecting the power solution to reduce system size and cost
ケーススタディ Scalable power solution matches specific power levels for various machines in optical sorting Reducing design complexity and costs
ケーススタディ Power solution operates in extreme temperatures for LEDs to display brighter lights, longer Same colors all the time
ケーススタディ High-voltage bus converters significantly reduce installation costs for outdoor stadium lighting Power transmission for outdoor lighting with lower-weight power cables
ケーススタディ Scientific instrumentation gets twice the power without impacting the size of the equipment Simple, hassle-free power design
ケーススタディ Managing the heat of the power supply makes rail signaling more reliable High-density power chain provides redundancy in the same space
ケーススタディ Slowed ramp-up process relieves stress of the power supply during startup in vehicle mounted advertising displays Reliable solution at high temperatures
ケーススタディ Speed, precision, resolution and contrast of engraving lasers is improved using wide-input and output-range regulators Fast and dynamic power for speed and precision
ケーススタディ 5kW tethered UAVs fly higher and longer using increased voltage on the tether Increasing payload with HVDC and power-dense components
ケーススタディ Separating the functions of a traditional DC converter improves the speed and accuracy for 3D printers Factorized power in a 3D printer application
ケーススタディ Enormous video wall display becomes feasible with a move to component-enabled, higher voltage bus HVDC reduces cabling weight and distribution losses
ケーススタディ Powering a smart control upgrade minimizes wasted head in hydraulic pumps Freeing up the space to go smart
ケーススタディ A third more power in just 20% of the space for vehicle GPS applications Vehicle GPS location systems reduce operational costs and provide control over their most remote assets
ケーススタディ Optimize battery charging and control motor start-up allows longer time in flight for inspection UAVs Light, compact power supply increases UAV payload
ケーススタディ Flexible power solution with different outputs allows for easily-upgraded flight simulators Simple upgrade capability
ケーススタディ Lightweight and small-sized power solution for thermal imaging camera supports increasing power and complexity Maximizing resolution and range
ケーススタディ Enhanced onboard satellite voice and data communications takes advantage of maximized power amplifier efficiency Power density facilitates upgrade
ケーススタディ More power supports more functionality in the same space used across different platforms in sub sonar systems Flexible, low-noise approach for improved detection effectiveness
ケーススタディ Minimal distortion and power supply noise helps achieve maximum range in portable ground radar Power averaging for a 64% reduction in power requirements
ケーススタディ Multiple power supplies paralleled together provided 9kW high-output power Ultra-low-profile 8kW high-power array
ケーススタディ Low levels of conducted and radiated EMI enable detection of signals outside the aircraft in airborne electronic countermeasure Low-noise airborne power solution
ケーススタディ Dual-sided cooling of power supplies on vertically-mounted racks improves thermal performance for sub-combat control Compact rack power supply
ケーススタディ Improved efficiency of the power supply allows high temp operation in RF signal intelligence High-performance dual-source architecture for signal detection and identification
ケーススタディ MIL-STD power components withstand mechanical stresses caused by vibration and acceleration in helicopter gearboxes Size, weight and high reliability must be ensured under extreme operating conditions
アプリケーションノート Achieving high-accuracy voltage (or current) regulation with the DCM™ Up to ±1% regulation
アプリケーションノート Thermal considerations: assuring performance of the Vicor Maxi, Mini, Micro series high‑density DC-DC Converter Modules
動画 Meeting the demands of SWaP-C for defense and aerospace Designing products for aerospace and defense exposes us to unique engineering challenges
ホワイトペーパー Spec changes top list of power designers’ challenges A Vicor survey revealed that power designers face many challenges. Learn what they are and how they can be overcome
ケーススタディ Additional electronics for passenger seat actuators are solved with smaller, lighter components Improving passenger comfort with additional electronics
オンデマンドウェビナー 防衛アプリケーションのためのDC-DC電源システムの要求仕様 Topics include: meeting standards, applications and test results, reducing noise with filters, using power components optimized for defense applications
オンデマンドウェビナー バッテリー・アプリケーション向けパワーコンポーネント This webinar explains how flexible power components shorten the design cycle, reduce cost, weight and size while increasing efficiency
記事 Scalability of bi-directional power design: your questions answered Scalability: Engineers want to know more about delivering higher-power levels and larger voltages
動画 The challenges of high power LED design Understanding how LED power designs affect LED performance is essential for success
動画 ExaScaler and PEZY Computing unveil the first super computer ExaScaler/PEZY ZettaScaler-1.8 Super Computer pushes the limits in computing performance
記事 Scalable, low weight DC-DC solution with high capacitive loads By using PCDM with DCMs, customers can create a highly flexible, efficient solution that meets their performance and time to market objectives
ホワイトペーパー Engineers who are designing LED power system applications face a number of challenges to develop systems that offer advantages over competitors’ products
オンデマンドウェビナー Simple Ideas to Make EMI Issues a Thing of the Past The webinar covers the causes of EMI issues in power systems
記事 Vicor ZVS regulators = > the sweet spot in integration Switching Regulator solutions are offered in various levels of integration, offering a broad spectrum of performance, features, and packaging
記事, ツール The easiest way to design the proper thermal management system Thermal management can be the gating item that determines the feasibility of a project and these solutions need to be evaluated at early stages of design
オンデマンドウェビナー Thermal Simulation for Cooler Power Systems This webinar describes the info you need from data sheets and app notes, and then shows how to make accurate thermal calculations by hand
オンデマンドウェビナー Maximum Load: The Wrong Specification for Pulsed Power This webinar explains why peak power is the wrong metric and introduces a different technique – power averaging
オンデマンドウェビナー Enabling Bi-Directional Energy Flow Using DC Power Transformers Learn about designing for bi-directional DC-DC power flow and how you can use DC power transformers to simplify power system design
記事 How to increase efficiency of large displays With each pixel of the display driven saeparately, there are challenging demands on the power systems used to convert AC power into the constant current needed to drive the LEDs.
動画 Power system design: Save time using Vicor's Power System Designer tool New tool enables designers to quickly and easily architect, analyze and configure complete, optimized, compact, multi-output power systems in minutes
動画 Power system design: Get to market fast Learn how the Power Component Design Methodology can get you to market quickly
ホワイトペーパー Distributing power to HEV/EV electrical systems with DCMs Newer Hybrid-Electric Vehicles and Battery-Electric Vehicles increase the demand for safe-to-touch 12V power
ユーザーガイド PI354X-00 Evaluation Board 36V to 60VIN, 2.5, 3.3, 5.0 and 12VOUT Buck Regulator & LED Driver
ホワイトペーパー As electronic products have grown in complexity with highly-evolved feature sets, designers have developed sophisticated schemes for power management
ホワイトペーパー Capacitance at the input of the DC-DC converter plays a vital role in keeping the converter stable and playing a role in input EMI filtering
記事 Sine amplitude converters provide design flexibility VTM and BCMs use the Sine Amplitude Converter Topology (SAC) to provide isolation and voltage transformation functions allowing separation from regulation
記事, ツール Online Vicor tools: simulators The Vicor simulator provides precision modeling of electrical and thermal behavior for a range of our products, enabling engineers to understand exactly how they will operate in a ...
記事 Packaging innovations: doubling the surface area for cooling Packaging innovations play a critical role in the improvement of power system performance
ホワイトペーパー Adaptive loop control provides improved regulation over simple local loop control – within +/- 1%
記事 Thermal testing of high density power components Impressive technology that ensures the thermal design of Vicor's modules leads to reliable, wide-temperature operation at industry-leading power densities
ホワイトペーパー This white paper looks at the issues and circumstances that can lead to damaging harmonic generation, and practical approaches to reducing it
記事 Back to basics: how do I ensure correct power rail sequencing in a multi-rail power architecture? There are two typical approaches to power sequencing; one based on power and the other on logic
ホワイトペーパー Power Distribution Network design for automated test equipment As instrumentation card requirements grew in terms diversification of channels and loads, distributed power architectures became a necessary choice
記事 Back to basics: the importance of switching frequency With the continual demand for higher performance, CPUs, DSPs and other such devices grow more power-hungry
ホワイトペーパー High-voltage DC distribution is key to increased system efficiency and renewable energy opportunities A transition to 400VDC in power distribution and conversion will help meet greenhouse gas, efficiency and renewable-energy goals
動画 How to meet European standards for rail applications Watch how Marco explains how to meet the European railway standards EN50155 and RIA12
記事 Back to basics: what are Y-capacitors? The reliability of y-capacitors is critical to the safety of the equipment’s users
記事 Back to basics: zero-voltage switching – what it is and why it’s important for buck-voltage regulation Designing capacitor-based power line filtering into systems can decouple common-mode noise
ホワイトペーパー The characteristics of the DC-DC converter, the load, the electrical characteristics of the passive components and the available PCB area all present additional design constraints ...
ホワイトペーパー Active filters control EMI, save PCB space and enhance airflow Smaller size saves valuable board real estate and the reduced height enhances airflow for better heat management
ホワイトペーパー The PI33xx: Zero-voltage switching applied to buck regulation This unique, high-density buck regulator integrates a high-performance Zero-Voltage Switching (ZVS) topology along with power and support components all within a surface-mount pack...
ツール, 動画 An Introduction to Vicor's PRM® Modules This video introduces Vicor's PRM Modules with user-configurable capabilities
記事 What to consider when choosing a buck regulator The key questions to consider are: How much space do I have on my board? What features do I need? How important is efficiency in my design?
DC-DC converters and power conversion devices play a key role in conducting electrical power from the edge of a PCB to its onboard components efficiently
動画 An introduction to ZVS Buck Regulators Learn how the simple-to-use PI33XX Series of ZVS Buck Regulators can provide the high efficiency, high density and flexibility
動画 How to Use the 24 V ZVS Buck Evaluation Board Listen to Chester Firek introduce our ZVS Buck Evaluation Board
動画 Thermal and mechanical considerations This video looks at efficiency, heat, cooling by conduction, convection and radiation
ツール, 動画 Output Voltage Trimming This video presents the benefits of voltage trimming, i.e., creating non-standard output voltages and voltage controlled current sources
ホワイトペーパー Protecting your system against transients is not only a fundamental part of the development, it can also become a major challenge during the design cycle
ホワイトペーパー Back to basics: meeting EMI for AC-DC systems EMI is seen as one of the key challenges of power conversion design and system integration, particularly for AC-DC systems
記事 Meeting conducted noise standards Finding an efficient, compact solution to meeting EMI requirements is a greater challenge than ever
記事 Military Embedded Systems: Innovation in military power supplies: Intelligence, standardization, efficiency Power-supply designers for military applications face the same challenges as other military electronics suppliers
Partner podcast 5 minutes on AI with Robert Gendron Robert Gendron discusses power and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Partner podcast What does it take to power Artificial Intelligence Systems and GPUs? Reducing energy costs for AI systems
記事 Military & Aerospace Electronics: Military power electronics seeks to increase voltage and efficiency Vicor is joining the VPX parade with new VITA 62 products
ケーススタディ Avionic equipment operates simultaneously from multiple power sources in extreme temps without fans Triple redundancy for avionics equipment to help pilots navigate and control their airplane safely
ケーススタディ Pulsed energy demands of airborne infrared countermeasures are averaged out to avoid system interference Pulsed load driver for lasers
動画 The need for new AI processor power delivery Learn about an innovative new approach to powering AI applications that can reduce motherboard copper and processor interconnect resistances by up to 50X