Reducing I2R losses to enable extended missions
Learn how Vicor delivers high power with efficiency and reduced weight for electronic countermeasures
MI-ComPACは、単、二または三出力DC-DC電源で、28または270 VDCの入力から最大300ワットを供給します。各ユニットには、1つ、2つまたは3つのコンポーネントレベルのVicor MI-200ファミリDC-DCコンバータが組み込まれています。
MI-ComPACは、MIL-STD-461C / D / Eの伝導放出および磁化率仕様を満たし、最も厳しいレベルのMIL-STD-1275A / B / D、MIL-STD-704A-F、およびDO-160Eに完全な入力トランジェント、サージおよびスパイク保護を提供します。オーバー/アンダーボルテージロックアウトは、回線状態を損なう可能性に対する追加の保護手段を提供します。MI-ComPACには、ロジックのイネーブル/ディセーブル機能もあります。
One, two or three outputs
MIL‑STD‑704A‑F, 1275A/B/D and DO‑160E compliance for transients
Reducing I2R losses to enable extended missions
Learn how Vicor delivers high power with efficiency and reduced weight for electronic countermeasures
Providing well-regulated 48V at over 1kW
Learn how Vicor delivers power at 1kW with efficiency and reduced weight
Compact, efficient power solutions enable improved countermeasure capabilities
Explore Vicor's efficient and reduced weight power delivery network for electronic warfare countermeasures systems
Supporting more functionality, increased payload and longer run time
Learn how Vicor delivers high power with efficiency and reduced weight that allows for greater payload options to support mission success
A highly flexible system of DC input; power building blocks that can be configured for up to 4 outputs
Up to a total of 300W from one, two or three outputs
A highly flexible system of DC input; power building blocks that can be configured for up to 4 outputs